The minimum wage will rise in a number of states in 2017. Unless otherwise noted, the following minimum wage rates (per hour) are scheduled to become effective on January 1, 2017:
Alaska: $9.80
Arizona: $10.00
Arkansas: $8.50 for employers with 4 or more employees
California: $10.50 for employers with 26 or more employees (for smaller employers, the rate remains $10.00)
Colorado: $9.30 ($6.28 for tipped employees)
Connecticut: $10.10
District of Columbia: $12.50, beginning July 1, 2017 ($3.33 for tipped employees)
Florida: $8.10 ($5.08 for tipped employees)
Hawaii: $9.25
Maine: $9.00, beginning January 7, 2017
Maryland: $9.25, beginning July 1, 2017
Massachusetts: $11.00 ($3.75 for tipped employees)
Michigan: $8.90 ($3.38 for tipped employees)
Missouri: $7.70 ($3.85 for tipped employees)
Montana: $8.15
New Jersey: $8.44
New York: $9.70, beginning December 31, 2016 ($11.00 for employers in NYC with 11 or more employees; $10.50 for employers in NYC with 10 or fewer employees; $10.00 for Long Island & Westchester; $10.75 for fast food employees outside of NYC; $12.00 for fast food employees within NYC)
Ohio: $8.15 ($7.25 for employees at certain smaller companies, and for 14- and 15-year-olds; the wage rises to $4.08 for tipped employees)
Oregon: $10.25, beginning July 1, 2017 ($11.25 for employees working within the urban growth boundary of a metropolitan service district
Vermont: $10.00 ($5.00 for certain service or tipped employees)
For more information on state minimum wage laws, please visit our State Laws section, click on your state, and select "Minimum Wage" in the left-hand navigation menu.